
June 6, 2024

Family Camp held at Providence Point, 17-19 May 2024 on ‘Family Life and The Right of God – Ḥuqúqu'lláh’

“… the family unit provides an environment within which such lofty and world-embracing principles can be taught and nurtured. It is the matrix in which generation after generation can be reared in the conviction that the well-being of the individual is inextricably bound to the progress and well-being of others.”
Message from the Universal House of Justice to the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith (Iran), 24 November 2009

With a spirit of joy, fellowship and enthusiastic energy, 20 families – comprising 42 adults, 25 children and 6 youth – gathered together at the Providence Point Bahá’í Centre of Learning near Ottawa during the weekend of 17-19 May 2024, for a family camp on the theme of “Family Life and Ḥuqúqu'lláh.” Reflecting on family life in the context of cooperation, mutual aid and reciprocity, a principle integral to the understanding of the law of Ḥuqúqu'lláh – an individual obligatory payment that in English translates as the Right of God, is a private and unsolicited way of purifying one's possessions – participants spent two days studying these themes in some depth, doing arts and crafts together, and creating new bonds of love and friendship.
Each morning began with a bright sunrise welcoming families for a hike into the forest, followed by prayers, devotions and singing to start the day. The children and junior youth, supported largely by the youth, had their own classes where they explored related themes, often using music and crafts during their lessons. On the first day, they joined their parents and grandparents for an arts activity, weaving materials collected from the forest to symbolise the power of cooperation and mutual aid. In the afternoons, everyone enjoyed the wonderful spring weather by spending time by the river, canoeing or playing sports together.

With the children happily occupied, parents and grandparents had the opportunity to deepen on the themes of the weekend in their own groups. On the first day, they discussed some of the forces of integration and disintegration in society and how to create environments within the family to counteract negative influences. They reflected on how personal choices and actions impact their children and families. On the second day, the focus turned to deepening their understanding of the law of Ḥuqúqu'lláh, and particularly the spiritual qualities that observing it cultivates. Friends shared that their understanding of this law evolves over time alongside family growth and how there are benefits to introducing its concepts to their children at an early age. An example of this was an art activity where parents and children created a collage differentiating “wants and needs,” fostering deeper conversations about family priorities.

The weekend concluded with everyone coming together in a spirit of joy to share their experiences. Children sang songs and displayed their artwork, junior youth prepared and served a meal to everyone, and adults shared poems and reflections on Ḥuqúqu'lláh and family life. The gathering left everyone feeling invigorated by the love and unity they experienced, motivated by their consultations on enhancing family life, and enriched by a deeper understanding of the wondrous law of Ḥuqúqu'lláh.

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