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October 24, 2013

Question: Is there harm in highly sexual music videos and performances?

‘Abdu’l-Bahá (1844-1921), the appointed interpreter of the Bahá’í teachings, and the son of Bahá’u’lláh (1817-1892), the Prophet-Founder of the Bahá’í Faith, said at the beginning of the 20th century: “In a time to come, morals will degenerate to an extreme degree.” The signs of the times clearly indicate that we have now reached that extreme. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá counselled that the best protection from the degeneration of morals, be it sexual or other, was prevention— to raise children according to sound spiritual and moral principles…”that they may find happiness both in this world and the next. If not, they shall be beset by sorrows and troubles, for human happiness is founded upon spiritual behaviour.”

Does the depiction of the simulated sex act ultimately contribute to human happiness? It’s a fair question. Our new wild and wonderful role models should be able to tell us how the immediate gratification of  their sexual urges is the healthiest bond they can forge with members of the opposite sex, or how it assists young men and women to prepare for marriage, a future profession, raising children or family life. 

The open invitation to satisfy raw sexual appetite actually reveals itself to be a monstrous illusion. Now by monstrous illusion, I mean a grotesque deception, something that has grown grossly out of proportion to its healthy boundaries. Our frantic obsession with sexual power suggests an imbalance that is closer to neurosis. It suggests, not freedom, but mindless conformity.

One  of the gods worshipped by contemporary society is fame. Stars have become by default the new role models for the mass consumers of pop culture. Especially deplorable is the setting of a new normal for the children, youth and young adults of both sexes by the latest wave of overtly eroticised  performers. Unabashed sexual gratification is now being held up to girls and young women by those whose only qualification is fame. But fame and moral bankruptcy are no assets to enrich the lives of the youth and young adults of today and tomorrow. Selective viewing is recommended.  
-  Jack McLean

Printed in the The Ottawa Citizen October 24, 2013
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