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December 17, 2012  

Prayer: Stirring the Spirit

Choir Photo 1by Nathalie Thirlwall 

The Ottawa Regional Bahá’í Choir was invited to participate in two recent interfaith prayer gatherings.  At the end of October, the Capital Region Interfaith Council (CRIC) held its fourth Interfaith Prayer Meeting at the Machzikei Hadas Synagogue with approximately one hundred attending. Seventeen faiths offered their teachings on prayer with interludes of music contributions from different faith communities. Bahá’ís believe that just as our physical bodies require food to live, so our souls are nourished by prayer. Prayer is indispensable to inner spiritual development. It draws on the power of God.  Worship helps us to free ourselves from the prison of our egos, to loosen the grip of our self-centeredness and surrender our will to the Will of God. The program contributions ended with several prayers of Baha’u’llah sung by the Baha’i choir.

At the beginning of December the Choir participated in the Festival of Light celebration held at the Bruyere Continuing Care facility with some seventy patients and family attending. It was a bilingual program with five faiths offering prayers and musical Choir Photo 2presentations that brought additional joy to those people who find themselves in this long-term care hospital.  The Bahá’í Choir offered a prayer praising God and acknowledging our profound gratitude to our Creator. Through prayer, we raise our spirits, promoting lofty thoughts and motivating ourselves to great acts of service and sacrifice. The Choir also contributed several rousing songs in English, French and Zulu.

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